Flash forward to 2012. Though I went home at Christmas, I chose not to do so for the Easter holidays. Coming back from break, one of my coursemates asked how I was doing, since it had been so long since I'd been home and I do tend to miss my friends and family. The truth is, I was doing just fine until my friend Matt and his fiance Heather came to London for a few days, followed quickly by my friend David, who spent a week with me.
It was so great to see Matt and Heather, and to show David around my new city. I had a wonderful time. And then, Thursday morning, David got on a plane back to New York. And I cried. I cried because I was going to miss him, yes, but also because I miss everyone. It's kind of strange- I didn't go back to New York at Easter because, when I went home for Christmas, I felt like I wasn't supposed to be there. My life is meant to be in London right now and I know it. I have amazing friends, I'm seeing terrific theatre, and I'm doing good work. I know I'm supposed to be here now, but I'm missing the goings-on back home terribly. The homesickness, which somehow held itself at bay for five months, has finally reared its ugly head. I'm not ready to leave London- nowhere near, in fact. I just miss my mommy (and my dad and brother and grandparents and aunt and cousins and friends).
My grandparents and cousin Dana will be coming towards the end of next month and I'm really looking forward to seeing them. When they arrive, it will have been six and a half months since I last saw my family. That's a long, long time.
When I was a kid, I couldn't get past the homesickness. It was there, all summer long. I have enough faith in myself now that I know I can move beyond it, not let it get too much in the way. I'll be fine soon enough. London friends, I might need to lean on you a little bit more for the next couple of days. Folks back home, I love you and I miss you.